Grievances Redressal Cell is formed in order to keep the healthy working atmosphere among the staff, students & parents. This Cell helps Staff, Students & Parents to record their complaints and solve their problems related to academics, resources and personal grievances. Ragging complaints will be handled as per government guidelines. Woman harassment complaints will be handled as per government guidelines by respective section. Impact of this system should be to uphold the dignity of the college by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the college by promoting cordial relationship among all the stake holders.
Scope: All the students, parents & staff of BDCH can lodge their complaints or suggestions.
Any kind of mental or physical harassment complaints regarding class room management, class room teaching, teaching methods of teaching, completion of syllabus etc., if and when they arise.
Facility: Suggestion cum complaint boxes have been installed at different places in the campus in which the students, staff can put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the academics and administration in the College. Written complaints are encouraged; however one may choose to remain anonymous. The person concerned can personally approach and write e-mail any member of the Cell. They can send email on
Click here for:- BDCH- Online Grievance Redressal Cell
Click here for:- Complaint/ Suggestion Form
Students Grievance Redressal Cell ( Committee Members ) |
SNo. |
Committee Members
Designation |
Contact No. |
1. |
Dr. Manjit Kumar |
Chairperson |
9914640604 |
2. |
Dr. Sanjay Mittal |
Member |
9896050995 |
3. |
Dr. Sameer Makkar |
Member |
9872260376 |
4. |
Dr. Geeta Kalra |
Member |
9814539400 |
5. |
Dr. Shabnam Negi |
Member |
8146924917 |
6. |
Dr. Sourya Negi |
Student Representative |
7018314882 |